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Request Membership in this Organization!

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Welcome to a new and consolidated way to stay connected with CHEW! We are SO EXCITED to share this great site with you all...lots of opportunity for staying connected (without being tied to any social media of any kind!) 

We welcome any feedback or input that you have as you are using this site. The volunteer board members are also in the midst of homeschooling, sports, dance and making a million meals and then making plans to go replace the groceries that mysteriously disappeared while we were answering that last text or email! ;) We ask that as we are building our community here that you extend grace, patience and a helping hand (if you feel the Lord leading)!

So grateful for each one of your families!

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Additional Questions

  1. In accordance with our core values, we expect our members to read the bylaws so that they understand to what they are agreeing to by signing the membership application form, and to ascribe to the statement of faith included in these bylaws.
  2. We expect our members to submit to the authority of C.H.E.W.’s decision making body, its board of directors.
  3. Members should follow the Biblical model in resolving conflicts as found in Matthew 18:15-17. If you have a disagreement with another member, you should approach the individual with your concerns. If that is not effective, you may ask the board members to assist you in resolving the conflict by mediating or by acting as witnesses in the conflict. Our aim is for peace among our membership, and we expect that all members will “...make every effort to live in peace with all.” Hebrews 12:14. If your conflict is with the C.H.E.W. board and/or its policies, you may petition the board for a hearing with the executive committee.
  4. Renewing members are encouraged to serve on a committee for at least one activity during the school year. We're in this together! 
  5. Out of respect for members’ privacy, we ask that you not share the directory information, including email addresses and that you not solicit our members. For business purposes, we have a wonderful new feature - the business directory! We currently have two catagories: Homeschool Family Owned Business and Student Owned Businesses (babysitting, lawn care, music, lessons, etc - Please note if your business can primarily serve a specific geographical area.)
  6. All members are encouraged to participate in our forum.
  7. Activities
  • During CHEW sponsored activities, parents are expected to monitor their children’s behavior closely. Parents are responsible for the discipline and correction of their children. If children are persistently disruptive to any activity, and are unresponsive to the parent's efforts to correct that behavior, they may be asked to leave by the activity director or attending board member.
  • We expect one or both parents to attend any C.H.E.W. activity in which their child takes part, as this is one of the benefits of homeschooling: parent-child interaction. A child is certainly welcome to attend an event or activity with another C.H.E.W. family, if that parent is willing to take responsibility for their supervision. However, children must NOT be dropped off without a supervising adult present with them.
  • C.H.E.W. will not be responsible for loss of personal property or bodily injury to self or family members during C.H.E.W. sponsored events.
  • What is a Teen? A teen is a child who is in 7th grade or who is turning 13 during the current school year.

Payment Instructions

Good evening, CHEW families!
  I hope everyone is doing well, and having a great school year.  I wanted to let you know that you will be receiving an invoice from the website momentarily to pay your renewal.  The vast majority of our members have not had to pay renewals since 2023 when we first started using this site.  Now that we have learned what we think is the best way to execute renewing families, we are ready to start the process. We are happy to announce that we are LOWERING our dues by $10!  In a time when costs keep going UP on everything, we hope this helps!  You will have until March 1st to remit payment.  If you choose not to renew by not paying your invoice, your account will be removed from the website after that due date.  

  The CHEW board is always striving to find new ways to support our local home school community.  We are thrilled to announce we added Angela Harler to our board, who has been adding new activities for the elementary age group.  We are also looking forward to our high school prom coming up, as well as our high school annual trip!  And of course, beach days are just around the corner!  We are also planning a special family wide event for the fall, so be on the lookout for that. 

  If at anytime you are unsure of how to use our website, please don't hesitate to reach out! 

In His service, 

   Tannis Boswell, CHEW President 



  1. In accordance with our core values, we expect our members to read the bylaws so that they understand to what they are agreeing to by signing the membership application form, and to ascribe to the statement of faith included in these bylaws.
  2. We expect our members to submit to the authority of C.H.E.W.’s decision making body, its board of directors.
  3. Members should follow the Biblical model in resolving conflicts as found in Matthew 18:15-17. If you have a disagreement with another member, you should approach the individual with your concerns. If that is not effective, you may ask the board members to assist you in resolving the conflict by mediating or by acting as witnesses in the conflict. Our aim is for peace among our membership, and we expect that all members will “...make every effort to live in peace with all.” Hebrews 12:14. If your conflict is with the C.H.E.W. board and/or its policies, you may petition the board for a hearing with the executive committee.
  4. Renewing members are encouraged to serve on a committee for at least one activity during the school year. We're in this together! 
  5. Out of respect for members’ privacy, we ask that you not share the directory information, including email addresses and that you not solicit our members. For business purposes, we have a wonderful new feature - the business directory! We currently have two catagories: Homeschool Family Owned Business and Student Owned Businesses (babysitting, lawn care, music, lessons, etc - Please note if your business can primarily serve a specific geographical area.)
  6. All members are encouraged to participate in our forum.
  7. Activities
  • During CHEW sponsored activities, parents are expected to monitor their children’s behavior closely. Parents are responsible for the discipline and correction of their children. If children are persistently disruptive to any activity, and are unresponsive to the parent's efforts to correct that behavior, they may be asked to leave by the activity director or attending board member.
  • We expect one or both parents to attend any C.H.E.W. activity in which their child takes part, as this is one of the benefits of homeschooling: parent-child interaction. A child is certainly welcome to attend an event or activity with another C.H.E.W. family, if that parent is willing to take responsibility for their supervision. However, children must NOT be dropped off without a supervising adult present with them.
  • C.H.E.W. will not be responsible for loss of personal property or bodily injury to self or family members during C.H.E.W. sponsored events.
  • What is a Teen? A teen is a young person who is 13+.

We Believe…

  • The Bible is the inspired and infallible Word of God and constitutes completed and final revelation. The Bible, in its original autograph is without error in whole and in part, including theological concepts as well as geographical and historical details. The Bible, alone and in its entirety, is the only basis for Christianity.

  • God has existed from all eternity in three persons: God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. Jesus Christ was God come in human flesh being fully God and fully man, without sin.

  • All men are in violation of God’s righteous requirements and His holy character both by nature and act, and are therefore under His wrath and deserve condemnation.

  • Salvation is offered as a gift, free to the sinner.  This gift must be responded to in individual faith, not trusting in any personal works whatsoever, but in the sacrificial death of Jesus Christ alone.

God’s Plan of Salvation

  1. God loves you.

“For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life.”  –John 3:16

2. Man is separated from God by sin.

“For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.”  –Romans 3:23

3. The death of Jesus Christ in our place is God’s only provision for man’s sin.

“Jesus was delivered over to death for our sins and was raised to life for our justification.”  –Romans 4:25

4. We must personally receive Jesus Christ as our Savior and Lord.

“Yet to all who receive Him, to those who believed in His name, He gave the right to become children of God.”  –John 1:12

“For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith, and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God – not by works, so that no one can boast.”  –Ephesians 2:8

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